Therapeutic Preschool Re-Opening Plan

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Therapeutic Preschool Re-Opening Plan

Submitted:  8/7/2020

Agency Name: Upper Manhattan Mental Health Center Therapeutic Preschool

BEDS Code: 800000074113

Administrative Address: 1727 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10031

Program Site Address: 1727 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10031

Program(s) provided at this site:

x 4410 (Pre-school Special Education)

        • Special Class

Contact Phone Number: (646) 340-1404

Contact Person (Name, Title, Email Address):

Website where this plan and any plan updates will be posted:


This plan was developed to conform to the guidance provided by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) in their July 2020, document entitled: Recovering, Rebuilding, and Renewing: The Spirit of New York’s Schools – Reopening Guidance. This plan will be revised and updated as needed to adjust to changing public health conditions caused by the COVID-19 virus and any new requirements and regulations which may emerge over time. We solicited input and involvement from the families we serve and our staff during the original drafting of our re-opening plan. We will rely on continued input from all stakeholders as we move forward implementing this plan and as we contemplate any additions or modifications.

We know our program must be as flexible and as responsive as possible to the needs of our students, families, and staff members. We will closely monitor the conditions of our community as the COVID-19 pandemic continues and the effectiveness and appropriateness of our plan. Upper Manhattan Mental Health Center Therapeutic Preschool (TPS) remains steadfast in our commitment to our students and our determination to provide the highest possible quality of educational programming and related services even during these difficult times.

The goal of the plan is to guide the delivery of high-quality educational services as safely as possible whether that service delivery is in-person, through a remote learning platform or a blended combination of remote and in-person services. Our focus and concerns extend to the social and emotional needs of our students, families, and staff members. By diligently working together and remaining focused on the outcomes we desire, we will find solutions to the many challenges ahead.

Our plan includes all the required elements identified by NYSED and follows the structure of the guidance by addressing the following areas as they apply to our students with disabilities and their families:

  1. Communication/Family and Community Engagement
  2. Health and Safety
  3. Facilities
  4. Nutrition
  5. Transportation
  6. Social Emotional Well-Being
  7. School Schedules
  8. Budget and Fiscal
  9. Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism
  10. Technology and Connectivity
  11. Teaching and Learning
  12. Career and Technical Education
  13. Athletics and Extra Curricular Activities
  14. Special Education
  15. Staffing
  16. Teacher and Principal Evaluation System
  17. Student Teaching

Any suggestions, concerns and/or questions about our plan should be directed to the contact persons identified at the beginning of this document.



  1. What participants were involved in the Reopening Plan’s creation and may be involved in any possible future revisions?
  • Identify the job titles/groups at your school who were involved in crafting the original re-opening plan and who will participate in future revisions of this plan:
    • Administration (Executive Director, Deputy Director, Chief Financial Officer, Program Director, Educational Director, Assistant Director, Administrative Assistant, IT Department), teachers, as well as parents (via electronic survey) were involved in the creation of our re-opening plan. The identified parties will also be involved in any possible future revisions of our
  • What community-based groups or individuals were involved in your plan’s creation or could become involved as the plan is modified or enhanced?
    • We will confer with the NYS Department of Health to ensure compliance with best practice health and safety guidance in the event that our plan must be
  1. Moving forward how do you plan to consistently communicate with and provide information to each of the following groups?
  • Students
    • TPS will develop a written protocol for staff to instruct students in appropriate hand (i.e. washing hands with soap and water when visibly soiled; hand sanitizer when water is not available) and respiratory hygiene (i.e. face coverings).
  • Parents/Legal Guardians
    • TPS will develop and share a written protocol with parents via email and USPS mail.
  • Staff
    • TPS will develop and share a written protocol with staff via email; hard copies will also be distributed.
  • Visitors
    • Visitors will not be permitted to enter TPS. All deliveries will be left in front of the door of the school. This information will be included in the written protocol for staff and parents.

3. Describe how you will ensure that all students are taught or trained how to follow each of the following COVID-19 protocols safely and correctly

  • Hand hygiene
    • Written protocol for staff and appropriate signage to instruct students in correct hand hygiene
  • Respiratory hygiene
    • Appropriate signage throughout school building to instruct students in correct respiratory hygiene.
    • Written protocol for staff to wear protective face coverings at all times, which will provide a visual model for students.
    • Written protocol to instruct students who can medically tolerate masks to wear them throughout the school day (except for “mask breaks” which will be determined by the School).
    • Written protocol for staff and appropriate signage to instruct students in correct respiratory hygiene and how to properly dispose of disposable face coverings
  • Social distancing
    • Written protocol for staff to require students to maintain social distance of at least 6 feet whenever possible (i.e. seating two student per table or at individual sensory tables during instructional periods)

4. Describe how you will use verbal and written communication to encourage students, staff and visitors to adhere to Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Department of Health (DOH) regarding the proper use of face coverings when social distancing is not possible.

  • Students
    • Students will be instructed daily on appropriate hand and respiratory hygiene. Supporting signage, frequent verbal reminders, and visual markers (i.e. Xs on tables to maintain a distance of 6 ft. while students are engaged in seated activities) will be provided to students to maintain 6 ft. distance between students who can medically tolerate a mask; teacher verbal reminders/modeling to wear acceptable face coverings at all times while they are in school (with the exception of designated “mask breaks”).
  • Staff
    • Written protocol (and supporting signage) which requires 6 ft. distance between staff (unless safety or core function of the work activity requires a shorter distance) and to wear acceptable face coverings at all times while they are in school.
    • Tightly confined spaces will be occupied by only one individual at a time, unless all occupants are wearing face coverings. If occupied by more than one person, will keep occupancy under 50% of maximum capacity.
  • Visitors
    • Visitors will not be permitted to enter the school. Parents who drop off their child in the mornings will be met at the door by a staff member, who will check the child’s temperature and escorted to their classroom. Delivery persons will be instructed to leave packages outside of the front door of the school.

5. Describe how you will provide communications in languages other than English

  • All communications, whether via email, text, or phone call, will be provided in parent’s home language.

6. Describe how you will communicate with members of the school community with visual and/or hearing impairments.

  • Hearing impairments
    • Written communication (via email, text, regular mail) will be provided for members of the school community with hearing impairments
  • Visual impairments
    • Auditory communication (pre-recorded messages; phone call) will be provided for members of the school community with visual impairments.



NOTE: Students and staff will return to in-person instruction only when governmental authorities permit in-person education. Additionally, any return to in-person instruction

will necessitate that the school’s leadership also determines the number of students and staff allowed to return in person based on: the ability to maintain social distancing; the availability of PPE, including the availability of cloth face coverings and face masks; availability of safe transportation; local hospital capacity according to the local Department of Health

  1. Describe your plan/protocol to instruct staff to observe for signs of illness in students and staff and requires that symptomatic persons to be sent to the Site Safety Officer
    • Staff members will be provided with training to educate them regarding the careful observation of symptoms of COVID-19 and health screening that must be conducted each morning before coming to school.
    • Staff will be instructed as per Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance that any student or staff member with a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater and/or present with symptoms of possible COVID-19 virus infection should not be present in school and should return home. These symptoms include (but are not limited to):
      • Fever or chills (100 degrees F or greater)
      • Cough
      • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
      • Fatigue
      • Muscle or body aches
      • Headache
      • New loss of taste or smell
      • Sore throat
      • Congestion or runny nose
      • Nausea or vomiting
    • Staff will be educated to observe students or other staff members for signs of any type of illness, including:
      • Flushed cheeks
      • Rapid or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity)
      • Fatigue, and/or irritability; and
      • Frequent use of the bathroom
  2. Describe your school’s protocol for daily temperature screenings of all students and staff, along with a daily screening questionnaire for faculty and staff and periodic use of the questionnaire for students.
    • Written protocol for daily temperature screenings of all students and staff prior to entering the school
    • Daily screening questionnaire for faculty and staff
    • Daily screening questionnaire for students (to be completed via text message and sent to the Administrative Assistant by 8AM, Monday-Friday)
    • Ill students and staff will be sent home for follow up with a healthcare provider
    • Students or staff with a temperature, signs of illness, and/or a positive response to the questionnaire to be sent directly to a dedicated isolation area where students are supervised, prior to being picked up or otherwise sent home
  3. Describe your school’s plan to have ill students and staff assessed by the school nurse or other qualified medical professional engaged by the school. Confirm that if a qualified medical professional is not available at the school that the ill student and/or staff member will be sent home for follow up with a health care provider.
    • As TPS does not have a school nurse or other qualified medical professional on staff, ill students and/or staff members will be sent home for follow up with a healthcare provider
  4. Describe your school’s protocol requiring students or staff with a temperature, signs of illness, and/or a positive response to the questionnaire to be sent directly to a dedicated isolation area where students are supervised, prior to being picked up or otherwise sent home.
    • Students or staff with a temperature, signs of illness, and/or a positive response to the questionnaire to be sent directly to a dedicated isolation area (1st floor) where students are supervised, prior to being picked up or otherwise sent home
  5. Describe your school’s protocol for how you will conduct health screenings of visitors, guests, contractors, and/or vendors to the school.
    • Visitors will not be permitted to enter the school. Parents/caregivers who drop off their child in the mornings will be met at the door by a staff member, who will check the child’s temperature and escorted to their classroom. Delivery persons will be instructed to leave packages outside of the front door of the school.
  6. Describe your school’s protocol to instruct parents/guardians to observe for signs of illness in their child that require staying home from school.
    • Parents will be provided with written protocol to instruct them that if their child has a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater and/or presents with symptoms of possible COVID-19 virus infection, they should stay at home and not come to school. These symptoms include (but are not limited to):
      • Fever or chills (100 degrees F or greater)
      • Cough
      • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
      • Fatigue
      • Muscle or body aches
      • Headache
      • New loss of taste or smell
      • Sore throat
      • Congestion or runny nose
      • Nausea or vomiting
    • Parents will be instructed to observe their child for signs of any type of illness, including:
      • Flushed cheeks
      • Rapid or difficulty breathing (without recent physical activity)
      • Fatigue, and/or irritability; and
      • Frequent use of the bathroom
  7. Describe your school’s protocol and appropriate signage you use to instruct staff and students in correct hand and respiratory
    • Hand Hygiene
      • Healthy hygiene practices will be taught and re-taught to TPS staff via virtual training and students via in person instruction
        • Traditional hand washing (with soap and warm water) for a minimum of 20 seconds (preferred method)
        • Use of alcohol-based sanitizers (60% alcohol or greater) when soap and water are not available, and hands are not visibly dirty
        • Hand sanitizing stations will be available throughout common areas (entrance; kitchen/sensory gym; restrooms), and near high touch surfaces
    • Signage
      • Signage will be placed near hand sanitizing stations indicating that visibly soiled hands should be washed with soap and water
      • Signage will be posted throughout the school in highly visible areas (entrance; classrooms; main office; kitchen; restrooms) that is consistent with DOH COVID-19 signage regarding public health protections against the virus. This signage will be used to remind staff and students to:
        • Stay home if they feel sick
        • Cover their nose and mouth with an acceptable face covering at all times (unless the student is unable to medically tolerate a face covering and during “mask breaks”, which will be determined by the School)
        • Properly store, and when necessary, discard PPE
        • Report symptoms of, or exposure to, COVID-19 to the Site Safety Officer
        • Follow hand and cough etiquette
    • Respiratory Hygiene
      • A supply of tissues and floor pedal trash cans will be available in each classroom and common/high traffic areas (kitchen/sensory gym; entrance; restrooms).
      • If no tissue is available, staff and students will be instructed to use the inside of the elbow or shirtsleeve to cover mouth and nose
      • Staff and students will be instructed to perform hand hygiene after sneezing, coughing, and handling dirty tissues or other soiled material
      • Disposable masks will be replaced if child/staff members sneezes into it
  8. Describe how your school plans to ensure that all persons in school buildings keep a social distance of at least 6 feet whenever possible
    • Student groupings will be as static as possible by having the same cohort of students stay together
    • The size of the cohorts of students will be determined by the number of students who can be in each classroom while maintaining 6 feet social distancing
    • Dismissal times will be staggered to allow increased social distancing on buses as well as in classrooms
    • Students who are dropped off at school by a parent or caregiver will be met outside of the front door by a staff member; the student’s temperature will be check and then will be escorted to their classroom
    • In-school movement will be reduced where possible by keeping student within their classrooms
    • Visual aids (i.e. colored tape, posters, etc.) will be used to illustrate appropriate spacing to support social distancing
    • Class schedules will be modified as follows:
      • Special area teachers (music; yoga) will be eliminated from the school schedule for the foreseeable future
      • Use of restrooms will be staggered and monitored by staff to ensure social distancing, that it is clean, and students are washing hands after each use
      • Each student will receive a labeled case with writing instruments that will be labeled
    • HVAC ventilation system to be installed throughout school to improve ventilation
    • Portable sinks for each classroom to reduce foot traffic to restrooms to wash soiled hands
    • Photocopy machine and laminator to be moved to entrance, and printers to be purchased for each classroom to reduce foot traffic
    • Staff workstation to be moved to front entrance and sensory gym to reduce foot traffic
  9. Describe your school’s protocol explaining how your school will provide accommodations to all students and staff who are at high risk or live with a person at high risk.
    • Students and staff who are at high risk or live with a person at high risk will be encouraged to attend school remotely
    • Parents will be asked to consult their child’s health care provider regarding the medical appropriateness of wearing a face covering at school
    • Additional PPE will be provided as needed for staff and students
    • Decrease of number of students in classroom by 50%
    • Provision of related services in an individual instead of group setting
  10. Describe your school’s protocol requiring all employees, adult visitors, and students to wear a cloth face covering whenever social distancing cannot be maintained.
    • Staff will be required to wear a face covering at all times
    • Students who are able to tolerate a face covering will be asked to do so and to wear it at all times (with the exception of “mask breaks”, which are to be determined by the School)
  11. Describe your school’s protocol for allowing students to take “mask breaks”
    • Students will be taken out of the classroom 1-2 students at a time for a mask break. Additionally, students will remove their masks during lunchtime and snack before placing them on again.
  12. Describe your school’s plan for obtaining and maintaining an adequate supply of cloth face coverings/masks for school staff, students who have forgotten their masks as well as all of the PPE needed by your school’s health professionals.
    • Disposable masks will be available for staff and students will be reordered on a monthly basis (available quantity will never fall 500 available masks)
  13. Describe what actions your school will take if it is suspected that a student has COVID-19.
    • School staff must immediately report any illness of students or staff to the Site Safety Officer
    • Parents of students suspected of having COVID-19 will be immediately contacted, and will be expected to pick up their child within 45 minutes.
    • Student awaiting transport home or pick up by a parent/caregiver will be isolated in Room 126 on the 1st floor, with a supervising adult present utilizing appropriate PPE.
    • Parent will be given instructions on requirements for child to be taken for medical evaluation, with the results of the evaluation to be called into the Site Safety Officer so that next steps can be discussed.
  14. Describe what actions your school will take if it is suspected that a staff member has COVID-19.
    • Staff member will gather their personal belongings and while masked, immediately exit the building
    • Staff member will be required to seek medical attention as soon as is feasible.
    • Site Safety Officer will call staff member to see how he or she is doing.
  15. Describe what actions your school will take if there is a confirmed case of COVID- 19 in the school.
    • School staff must immediately report any illness of students or staff to the Site Safety Officer.
    • Site Safety Officer will contact the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH) to inform them of the positive case, and will closely follow their recommendations for next steps (ex: contact tracing, self-quarantine of any staff or students, and school closure if applicable).
    • The Site Safety Officer will notify staff and students of the exposure.
    • Quarantine may be necessary for the exposed. Definition of exposure will be determined by NYC DOHMH. The Site Safety Officer will speak with NYC DOHMH for guidance on who is considered exposed and directions for self-quarantine.
  16. Describe your plan that complies with CDC guidance for the return to school of students and staff following illness or diagnosis of confirmed case of COVID-19 or following quarantine due to contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Include in your description how you plan to coordinate with the local health department.
    • If COVID tested, and +COVID
      • Staff/students can return to school no sooner than 10 days from the date of the +COVID test or 10 days since the onset of symptoms (including non-respiratory symptoms such as headache, sore throat, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, muscle/body aches, loss of smell/taste)
      • AND no fever for at least 72 hours (without use of fever reducing medications)
      • AND cleared by their physician (must provide note)
      • AND no longer required to quarantine per the latest guidelines from NYC Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH)
    • If COVID tested, and negative for COVID, and has no known COVID exposure
      • Staff/students can return to school if symptoms have resolved for at least 72 hrs
      • AND cleared by physician to return to school (must provide note).
    • If COVID tested, and negative for COVID, and has a known COVID exposure
      • Staff/students can return no sooner than 10 days since the onset of symptoms (including non-respiratory symptoms such as headache, sore throat, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, muscle/body aches, loss of smell/taste)
      • AND no longer required to quarantine per the latest guidelines from NYC Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH).
    • If not COVID tested
      • Staff/students must continue to stay home
      • Can return no sooner than 10 days since the onset of symptoms
      • OR if COVID test was deemed unnecessary by physician, then needs to provide documentation of clearance to return to school from their physician (must provide note)
      • AND must be symptom-free for at least 72 hrs (without use of fever reducing medication, such as Advil or Tylenol)
    • Coordination with local health department
      • TPS will coordinate with NYC DOHMH regarding contract tracing, including:
        • Keeping accurate attendance records of students and staff members
        • Ensuring classroom schedules are up to date
        • Keeping a log of any visitors which includes date, time, and where in the school they visited
  17. Describe you school’s protocol to clean and disinfect the school following CDC guidance.
    • Cleaning/Disinfection of Student Restrooms
      • To be disinfected by maintenance staff 2x/day (morning and afternoon; times to be determined by maintenance staff)
        • Cleaning log to be maintained by maintenance staff and kept on a clipboard on the wall of each bathroom
    • Cleaning/Disinfecting of Electronics
      • Includes Smart Boards, phone, classroom computer and keyboard
        • To be disinfected 2x/day using alcohol-based wipes or spray containing at least 70% alcohol
    • Cleaning/Disinfecting of Toys
      • Toys (ex. soft toys) and clothing that cannot be disinfected will be removed from the classrooms
      • Toys with hard, non-porous surfaces will be set aside for cleaning after each use
        • Toys will be placed in a bin labeled “soiled toys” to be cleaned after school in dishwasher at the end of the school
        • Toys must be washed by themselves and cannot be washed with other items
    • Cleaning/Disinfecting of Playground
      • As per CDC guidance, playgrounds require normal routine cleaning
        • Will be cleaned 1x/day by maintenance staff
        • Cleaning log to be maintained by maintenance staff and updated daily (will be kept on inside door of playground)
    • Cleaning/Disinfecting of Frequently Touched Classroom Surfaces
      • Includes tables, chairs, light switches, doorknobs, faucets on sinks
        • Tables and chairs will be cleaned and disinfected after every seated activity (ex: meals, center time)
        • Other frequently touched surfaces (light switches, doorknobs) will be cleaned and disinfected 3x/day (after breakfast, after lunch, at the end of the school day)
        • Faucets will be wiped with alcohol-based wipes after each use
          • Teacher will wear PPE while cleaning (disposable gloves and gown, mask) and when handling trash
        • Clean first with soap and water
        • Follow by disinfection of surfaces with an EPA-approved disinfectant
        • Classroom teachers to maintain and keep cleaning/disinfection logs in their classrooms
  18. Describe how you will conduct required school safety drills (i.e., fire drills, lockdown) with the modifications which will be necessary to ensure social distancing between persons.
      • Evacuation drills to be conducted 8x/year (monthly, October-May)
      • Lockdown drills to be conducted 4x/year
      • Drills will be conducted on a staggered schedule, where classrooms evacuate separately rather than all at once
        • Whistle is blown by Administrator
        • Students and staff evacuate on staggered schedule to Hamilton Library on W. 145th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue
  19. If your school operates before or after school care, describe you plan to implement health and safety protocols.
    • Not applicable (TPS does not operate a before or after school care program)
  20. Identify by name, title and contact information the COVID-19 safety coordinator your school has selected to be responsible for continuous compliance with all aspects of the school’s reopening plan, as well as any phased-in reopening activities necessary to allow for operational issues to be resolved before activities return to normal or “new normal” levels.
  21. Health related considerations prior to reopening:
    • Identify by name, title and contact information the COVID-19 resource person your agency has identified to assist your site(s) and the community.
    • Describe if and how your school will limit visitors to school grounds and/or buildings.
      • Visitors will not be permitted to enter the school.
      • Deliveries are to be left at front door of school.
      • Parents/caregivers who drop off their children in the morning will be met by a member of the staff at the front.
        1. The child’s temperature will be checked, and the child will be escorted to their classroom upon successfully passing the temperature screening
    • Describe the steps that will be taken to instruct parents/guardians in screening students at home for signs of illness by multiple means which may include written communication, short videos and parent forums.
    • If your school’s plan relies on parent/guardian screening before school should take into account the parent/guardian’s ability to access internet or complete a written check list accessible in the language spoken by the family.
      • Though we will request that parents/guardians check their child’s temperature before they come to school, TPS will also screen each student’s temperature upon their arrival at school
    • If your school’s plan is to screen students before they enter your school, describe how your protocol will: meet CDC requirements for PPE and social distancing; have sufficient supplies to conduct screenings; ensure that waiting students are supervised.
      • For students who are dropped off at school by a parent/guardian
        1. Staff member wearing PPE (see section C below) will meet student and parent outside of the entry to the school
        2. Staff member will take temperature of student using a non-contact thermometer
        3. Staff member will escort student to their classroom upon successful completion of the screening
      • For students who are bussed to TPS
        1.  Temperature will be checked by a staff member as each student deboards the bus
        2. Staff members will be available to supervise students who are awaiting their turn
      • PPE (face shield, mask, gloves, gown) to be worn by staff member conducting temperature screenings
      • Staff member to use a non-contact thermometer to screen temperature
        1. Thermometer to be cleaned with alcohol wipe between each student per DOH and DOE protocol
        2. After screenings have been completed, gown and gloves will be discarded, and face shield will be sanitized
        3. Staff member’s hands to be washed with warm soap and water for at least 20 seconds or sanitized with an alcohol-based sanitizer following PPE disposal/removal
    • Does your school’s plan encourage students to wear a cloth face covering at all times, unless otherwise inadvisable?
      • TPS will encourage students to wear a cloth face covering at all times unless otherwise medically inadvisable.
    • Does your school’s plan include a requirement that school health personnel wear PPE when assessing ill students or conducting specific respiratory treatments?
      • School personnel will wear PPE (as described above) when assessing ill students.
      • TPS will not conduct specific respiratory treatments, as we do not have a school nurse on staff
    • Which room in the facility has been identified for isolating ill persons?
      • Room 126 (1st Floor)
    • If your school has a nurse or other health professional, what room (separate from the isolation room) has be identified as their space to administer medication and/or nursing treatments?
      • Not applicable
    • Confirm that your school’s health office will use disposable equipment and supplies as much as possible.
      • TPS does not have a school health office, but disposable equipment and supplies will be utilized as much as possible.
    • Confirm that your school will provide appropriate PPE to custodial or other personnel cleaning or disinfecting your site if such protection is required by the manufacturer of the cleaning/disinfecting agent being used?
      • TPS will provide appropriate PPE to maintenance staff if such protection is required by the manufacturer of the cleaning/disinfecting agents being used.
    • Confirm that your school has created a daily checklist for use by school personnel to inspect their work area and ensure that they have sufficient supplies every day (i.e., face covering, tissues, hand hygiene supplies and cleaning supplies, etc.).
      • A daily checklist has been created for use by school staff to ensure that they have sufficient supplies each day.
    • Confirm that the individual selected as your school’s COVID-19 resource person:
      • Has a health background (i.e., school nurse) or is a school administrator familiar with the reopening plan?
        • The school administrator is familiar with the reopening plan.
      • Will be the main contact upon the identification of positive COVID-19 cases and be responsible for subsequent communications?
        • Our Site Safety Monitor/COVID-19 resource person will be the main contact person upon the identification of positive COVID-19 cases and will be responsible for subsequent communications.
      • Has been identified to the entire school community and that the community has contact information for the COVID-19 resource person?
        • The individual has been identified to the entire school community, and the community has the individual’s contact information.
      • Has been involved in the development of the school’s reopening plan?
        • The Site Safety Monitor/COVID-19 resource person has been actively involved in the development of TPS’ reopening plan.
    • If your school has a before and/or afterschool program, do they support social distancing, PPE usage, cleaning and disinfection protocols, and the risk of COVID-19 transmission?
      • Not applicable.
    • If your school has a before and/or after school program have they considered maintaining the cohorts students are in during the day?
      • Not applicable.
    • If your school has a before or after school program have they considered grouping members of the same household together?
      • Not applicable.



  1. If you have to rearrange, repurpose, modify or expand facility space to implement social distancing or other safety measures, please describe:
    • There has been an accordion wall between two classrooms which is made of fiber. This will be replaced by a regular, floor to ceiling, soundproof wall in the coming weeks in order to prevent cross contamination between those two classrooms.
    • We have had an HVAC company come in for a tour of our schools. Their plan is to repair vents and create a well ventilated and clean air flow system for our school in all classrooms and other areas that the children use regularly.
  2. Are all of the changes you described in response to #1 above in compliance with fire, building, childcare and any other applicable codes, regulations and legal requirements?
    • Yes.
  3. Have the school’s written emergency plans (i.e., fire drills, evacuation, lockdown) been modified to reflect and facilitate social distancing?
    • Yes. All DOE and DOH information on safety and health that have been sent to us since the beginning of the pandemic will be put into the emergency plans and labeled as Covid changes.
  4. Describe any changes to time management and schedules of facility usage which are planned to reduce congestion and promote social distancing:
    • In-person instruction will take place Monday-Friday, 9 AM to 1
    • Remote classes will take place three days per week from 1:15 PM – 1:45 PM.
    • We are planning to have 50% of each class census in the classroom each day, except for parents who want only remote learning.
  5. Will doors which do not have automatic closure mechanisms and/or are not fire- rated be maintained in an open position to increase air flow?
    • Yes, doors that are not fire-rated will be kept open with consideration to the population of preschool age children who attend the school
  6. Has your school installed plastic separators or other dividers? If so, please describe:
    • Dividers and separators will be installed in the reception area to protect the front desk staff, in the gym area to separate Related Service Staff and in the Director’s Office around the desks. We will have separators for each child at a table.
  7. Describe your determination regarding the adequacy of hand-washing facilities. Have added additional sinks and/or mobile handwashing facilities? If so, please describe:
    • Sinks will be installed in the classroom to reduce the amount of time outside of the classroom. Our landlord is currently exploring the possibility of extending water pipes into the classroom. However, we will most likely purchase electric portable sinks for the 3 classrooms.
  8. Have you installed any hand sanitizer dispensers? If so, where and are those dispensers in compliance with all applicable fire codes?
    • Yes. they are in compliance with applicable fire codes.
  9. Have you installed dividers anywhere in the facility to control groups and/or manage the possibility of crowding?
    • The staff of TPS and the students will be the only occupants in the school. Visits from other staff in the building, unless it is an emergency, will be prohibited. Parents will be in touch through remote access. Student census will be reduced by 50% to eliminate the possibility of crowding.
  10. Have you made any changes to drinking fountains or drinking water access for students in response to COVID-19? If so, please describe:
    • There are no water fountains in our school. There is a UV light filtered water machine in our pantry and water is served to children by school staff in disposable cups throughout the day.
  11. Describe your plan for increasing ventilation and air flow (natural and/or mechanical):
    • An HVAC company is being contracted, has received the blueprints of our ventilation system and is writing a proposal to ensure the installation of UV light machinery that will sanitize and clean air flow.
  12. Describe your plan for enhancing and maintaining higher efficiency air filtering and any re-balancing of air flow necessitated by filtration changes:
    • We have engaged with a company who will be sending us their proposal soon. They do HVAC installations with UV light machinery that cleans and filters the air flow and improves air quality in the entire school.
  13. Have you installed any new air purification technologies? If so, do those devices meet or exceed safety standards, including being listed/labeled as having been approved for the intended use by a nationally-recognized testing laboratory?
    • HVAC is the only system we feel comfortable with and that is recognized as cleaning and filtering air flow and will be the only system we use.



  1. Describe how you will work with the school district(s) and school food authorities (SFAs) to ensure that all eligible children have access to school meals:
    • Our Vendor, Red Rabbit, has assured us that they will bring a week worth of meals every Monday and that the meals can be picked up by parents whose children remain on remote learning.
  2. Describe any changes to your health, safety, sanitation and/or food-handling procedures in light of the COVID-19 public health emergency:
    • TPS is ordering individual meals rather than family style in order to lessen the amount of food handling by staff members.
  3. Describe how children with food allergies will be protected as meal and snack procedures are revised to promote social distancing:
    • TPS is a peanut free school. Our food service sends special menus for those children who have food allergies. In a few cases, the parent will send the meals for a child with food allergies.
  4. Describe how and where food and meals for students will be served and consumed:
    • The meals are packaged individually, and each child would consume the meals at the classroom table to avoid cross contamination.
  5. Describe how students will be located while eating:
    • The children will sit two at a long table at either end of the length of the table in order to keep a 6-foot distance from one another.
  6. Describe how appropriate hand hygiene will be promoted before and after serving or eating:
    • Children will be guided by classroom staff to the classroom sink to wash their hands thoroughly before and after meals.
  7. Describe how food/beverage sharing and family-style meals will be discouraged:
    • Food and beverages will come to us from our vendor in individually wrapped servings.
  8. As applicable, confirm that your school is in compliance with the Child Nutrition Program and any other SFAs your agency works with:
    • Our vendor, Red Rabbit, is approved by CACFP, the Federal regulating agency for our school food and nutrition.
  9. Describe how you will communicate with families, including those using a language other than English, about nutrition and meal/snack issues:
    • TPS is a program with many bilingual staff (Spanish/English) and children. If materials are sent to us in English only, we translate the documents in order to send any information.



NOTE: Transportation for students with disabilities enrolled in 4410 and/or 853 programs are provided by the school district. School programs, however, are involved in the embarking and disembarking of students.

  1. Describe changes to student disembarking/arrival procedures and locations to promote social distancing:
    • Each child’s temperature will be taken upon arrival by a designated staff member. The children will be escorted into the building one at a time after clearance is given. All staff will meet the bus in the morning in order to maintain 6 feet of distance.
  2. Describe changes to student embarking/dismissal procedures and locations to promote social distancing:
    • When the child’s bus arrives, the children will be escorted to the building one at a time, by individual staff members to ensure social distancing.
  3. Describe any changes made to stagger arrival and/or dismissal times:
    • TPS will agree to staggered arrival and departure times to ensure social distancing.
  4. Discuss the impact of social distancing on the length of time required for arrival and dismissal:
    • Social distancing will increase the time required to load and unload buses at schools in the morning and afternoon. TPS will accept children later than start of school session and release them earlier than end of school session.
  5. Discuss your plan for managing scheduling and social distancing when/if students are transported by their families by car, public transportation and/or walking:
    • Parents will be requested to call the school from the entrance of the building A staff member will pick up the child from the parent and test the child (thermometer and symptom list) while the child is with the parent. If a child has a fever of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or greater, or presents with any suspicious symptoms, the parent will be asked to take the child to the doctor immediately.
  6. Describe student hand washing and/or hand sanitizer use during arrival and dismissal:
    • School staff will meet the children with hand sanitizer outside of the door and will put a drop into the child’s hands and allow the child to rub it in, before entering the building. At the end of the day, children will wash their hands thoroughly (20 seconds) under the supervision of school staff at the classroom sink before dismissal to the bus.



  1. List any school-wide plans/policies related to student well-being and/or behavior management:
    • Students will continue to receive therapy as well as parent training via phone conferences.
    • Behavior intervention will take place in the classroom as needed to assist teachers with crisis management.
  2. In light of COVID-19, have qualified professionals reviewed those plans and determined if they meet current student needs?
    • Maintain regular and open communication with parents.
    • Parent Training will take place with weekly calls to coordinate weekly parent support. Each student will receive play therapy as well as classroom behavior support as needed.
  3. As applicable, describe your plan for revising/updating your existing procedures and protocols to address student, staff and family needs in light of the pandemic:
    • Remote support will continue to ensure continued support for parents. Parents will no longer be permitted in the building. However, clinicians will be available on an appointment basis, for phone conferences. Staff concerns in correlation to policy, and procedures will be addressed as needed. Staff meetings will be held virtually to uphold safety in school, as well as emotional wellness.
  4. Describe your plans to form an advisory council which will include families, community members, professionals and staff members to share in decision- making and future planning regarding: sustaining a positive school climate; mental health; initiatives to promote social/emotional wellness; trauma- responsive care; restorative practices; social/emotional learning (SEL); professional development; increased family/community engagement:
    • Team meetings will take place with classroom teachers, related service providers, and clinicians, to best support students in the classroom as well as at home
    • A follow up meeting will take place with parents to concern behaviors, and concerns. Supports, suggestions, and treatment plan goals will continue to be implemented to ensure student success both at home and at school.
  5. Describe how your school will provide referrals for mental health, behavioral and emotional support programs, resources and services:
    • Students will continue to receive play therapy, and training will be provided for parents. Collaborative agencies to provide additional supports will be made by clinicians and school social worker.
  6. Describe your plans for professional development which will enable personnel to best support students, families and staff during and after the COVID-19 public health emergency while developing coping and resilience skills in students and staff:
    • Professional development will be centered around coping strategies, wellness, and stress management in and outside of the workplace. An emphasis on training around emotional wellness to best support the students.
  7. Describe how you will communicate to all stakeholders that social emotional well-being and learning is a priority for your school:
    • Daily check-ins with clinicians around all concerns in correlation to students.
    • collaborative clinical meetings as needed to support staff around implementing behavior plans, and providing supports as needed.



  1. Describe any planned changes to class hours for students or work hours for staff:
    • School hours will be modified to 9 AM -1 PM, Monday-Friday.
    • Staff meetings & team meetings will take place virtually (via Microsoft Teams) on a bi-weekly basis from 1:15 PM – 2 PM, Monday-Thursday
    • Teachers will clean and sanitize their classrooms daily from 2 PM – 3 PM
    • A TA from each classroom will orchestrate remote learning sessions (in collaboration with the classroom teacher) three times per week, Monday – Friday for 30-minute increments
  2. Describe how you will limit in-person presence to only those staff members who are necessary to be at school during normal school hours:
    • The Classroom teacher and one TA will be solely responsible for in- person instruction for Cohort A & Cohort B (see # 5 below) when classroom capacity is at 50% or less (maximum of 6 students for our 12:1:2 classrooms; maximum of 3 students for our 6:1:2 classroom)
    • One Teaching Assistant (TAs) will be responsible for conducting remote instruction for Cohort B and Cohort C
  3. Describe how you will promote, increase and or maintain a remote workforce to accommodate social distancing:
    • A designated TA in each classroom will be responsible for conducting remote instruction for Cohort B and Cohort C (three sessions per week).
      1. Classroom teacher and TA will broadcast lesson to Cohort B and Cohort C, and the TA will engage students and their parents/caregivers in related learning activities
  4. Describe how you will stagger schedules or make other time adjustments to reduce congestion in hallways, walkways and/or buildings:
    • Each classroom will be assigned to use student restrooms at designated times
      1. Outside of designated times, a teacher will escort students individually to restroom as needed to reduce congestion in the bathroom waiting area
      2. If more than one student is waiting to use the restroom (outside of designated times), the responsible party will ensure that student maintains social distancing while they wait for their turn to use the restroom
      3. Each classroom will be assigned to use the playground at designated times
  5. Describe any planned use of “cohorts” or class schedules to accommodate social distancing:
    • TPS is preparing for three instructional cohorts:
      1. Cohort A – in person instruction 5 day per week
      2. Cohort B – hybrid model (alternating each week between daily in person instruction and remote instruction; ex: Week 1 – in person; Week 2- Remote instruction)
      3. Cohort C – receive remote instruction 3 days per week for 30 minutes per session
  6. Describe how you will involve all stakeholders in the school community (staff, families, etc.) in your consideration of alternative scheduling?
    • Staff
      1. All staff will be asked for their feedback about the proposed scheduling changes
      2. Staff feedback will be considered when making final determinations regarding the schedule
    • Families
      1. Have been asked to express their preference for one of three instructional models (all in person, all remote, or hybrid) via phone call
      2. Family feedback will be considered when making final determinations regarding the schedule
  7. Describe how you will communicate with families, including those who use a language other than English, and staff when schedules need to be changed/adjusted or instruction transitioned back to all remote:
    • Staff will be immediately informed of any schedule adjustments via text and email by our Administrative Assistant
    • Families will be immediately informed of any schedule adjustments via text and email by our Administrative Assistant in their home language
  8. Describe how your scheduling decisions and instructional models promote equity and access a priority for all, including English language learners, those experiencing homelessness and students with disabilities:
    • Students with disabilities
      1. TPS provides educational and social-emotional support services for students with disabilities, which encompasses 100% of our population
      2. TPS will request that families select one of three instructional models that they feel most comfortable with and will best suit the needs of their child and their family
    • Students experiencing homelessness
      1. We will ensure that each student has their own iPad to use for remote instruction, and will assist the family with access to an internet service provider as needed
    • English Language Learners
      1. Each of our classrooms has at least one fluent Spanish speaking teacher to conduct instruction either in person or remotely



  1. Have your internal budgeting and expense reporting been adjusted and expanded to forecast, track and account for COVID-19 related expenses?
    • Yes.
  2. Describe any of the possible additional revenue sources you might tap into to meet the added expenses related to meeting COVID-19 related costs:
    • Currently we do not have any additional resources.
  3. Describe some of the steps you may take if your tuition reimbursement is insufficient to meet the additional costs of providing services during the COVID- 19 emergency:
    • Eliminate some supply expense.
    • Reduce printing and data expense.
  4. Briefly outline some of the steps you will take to maintain high levels of student enrollment:
    • We have committed to do outreach to CPSE District Administrators and Chairpersons to request referrals. We have emailed and called the Bronx and Manhattan district offices.
    • We have a contact in Heritage Health Care which is located in our building and who has referred a child to us and will continue to do so in the future.
    • We have reached out to Hamilton Family Shelter which is nearby, and we are working to set up a relationship with them which will allow us to talk with parents of young children and introduce them to the concept of of our therapeutic preschool. If there are parents who are interested, they will be referred to the district CPSE.



  1. Describe how you intend to collect, document and report daily teacher/student/family engagement or attendance regardless of the instructional setting (in-person or remote):
    • Classroom teachers and TAs will document daily attendance (both in- person and remote) on attendance card (hard copy and electronic attendance card on Microsoft Teams)
    • Classroom teachers and TAs will document daily teacher/student/family engagement on DOE Log (Microsoft Teams)
  2. Briefly describe how you will develop/sustain positive relationships with students/families to promote attendance and participation:
    • Classroom teacher and TAs will each have students/families assigned to their caseload whom they will be responsible for contacting 2x/week via phone/email/text to promote attendance/participation
  3. Briefly describe your outreach efforts when students and families are not participating in remote learning:
    • Families will be emailed by classroom teacher or TA to remind them of remote learning session
    • Families will be called by classroom teacher or TA to remind them of remote learning sessions
    • Families will be emailed/called by Administrative Assistant to remind them of remote learning sessions
  4. Describe how you will involve the CPSE/CSE if students are not participating in remote learning:
    • The Educational Director will inform the CPSE of chronic student absences (chronic absence is defined as 5 consecutive remote sessions missed
    • The Educational Director will defer to the CPSE regarding enrollment and next steps.
  5. Describe how you outreach to families who speak languages other than English:
    • Outreach to families will be sent via email, text, and/or phone call in the parent’s home language.
  6. Are your staff members periodically reminded of their responsibility as mandated reporters to contact the Department of Social Services if they suspect child abuse or neglect?
    • TPS staff members are periodically reminded of their responsibility as mandated reporters to contact the Department of Social Services if they suspect child abuse or neglect, and are aware of mandated reporting procedures



  1. Describe how will your school initially gather and periodically update information on the level of access students and staff members have to devices and high-speed broadband at their places of residence:
    • Students were provided with iPad by the DOE upon request. iPads will be utilized as remote learning continues and as needed. Parents were provided information about apps that will be utilized for remote instruction including instructions, and ways to set up students for success prior to logging into remote sessions
    • Surveys will be drafted to inquire about staff & students comfortability using technology as well as access to internet connection
  2. Describe how you will address the need to provide devices and internet access to students and staff members who do not currently have access:
    • Students currently are utilizing iPads provided by the DOE. All parents were alerted that their child would be provided an iPad if they chose to sign up for one.
  3. What multiple means of participation might you employ so that students can participate and demonstrate mastery of the Learning Standards in remote and blended models when they may not yet have sufficient access to devices or high-speed internet?
    • Students will be expected to use ClassDojo to engage in the activities that are assigned by classroom teachers. School staff will engage with parents to inquire levels of comfortability, and challenges with engaging in remote instruction.
  4. Describe your plans for professional development in effective practices during remote instruction and learning:
    • Having an open-door policy for all members of school community
    • Organizing orientations with school staff about at-risk students
    • Working collaboratively to address interpersonal and professional concerns
  5. Describe your plan for providing information technology (IT) support to families and staff members who are experiencing IT issues and challenges:
    • School staff will aide parents as necessary, Instructional videos and emails will be given. In addition, TPS will inquire with building IT personnel to assist families and staff as needed
  6. Describe how you will ensure data privacy and security:
    • Staff communication will take video calls via Microsoft Teams, as well as through a secure email platform.
  7. Describe how you will assess the effectiveness of the digital tools and platforms you are using/will use:
    • Staff and parents will be asked feedback on applications, and remote learning. By addressing both staff and parent concerns, feedback will be provided to ensure that remote learning can be implemented effectively.
  8. Describe some ways you intend to promote equitable access and flexibility for students, staff and families during remote instruction and learning:
    • Families will be given the option to receive all in person, remote learning, or blended learning. By addressing parent’s personal concerns, working collaboratively to ensure which option is best for families and students.
    • School staff is aware that the adjustment and transitions are challenging for both school staff and families. Fostering open communication around all concerns will be addressed by administration.



  1. Briefly describe your continuity of learning plan should state or local conditions warrant moving to/from in-person, blended and/or all remote instruction:
    • In-person instruction
      • Should state or local conditions warrant moving from hybrid/blended instruction or remote instruction to in-person instruction, in-person instruction will be offered Monday-Friday from 8:30AM-1PM. Instruction will be based upon the Frog Street curriculum, which is aligned with NY State Learning Standards outcomes.
    • Blended or hybrid instruction
      • Should state or local conditions warrant moving from in-person instruction to blended/hybrid instruction, remote instruction remote instruction will be offered 3x/week for all students based upon the Frog Street curriculum, which is aligned with NY State Learning Standards outcomes.
    • All remote instruction
      • Should state or local conditions warrant moving from in-person instruction to all remote instruction, remote instruction will be offered 3x/week for all students based upon the Frog Street curriculum, which is aligned with NY State Learning Standards outcomes.
      • Remote lessons will be prepared in advance in order to enhance and align classroom instruction
  2. Will instruction, regardless of the modality used, remain aligned with the outcomes in the New York State Learning Standards?
    • Regardless of the modality used, instruction will remain aligned with the outcome in the NYS Learning Standards.
  3. Describe how your school will promote equity by making sure that all students have opportunities to access routinely scheduled instruction, interaction, feedback and support from teachers:
    • Related service providers will schedule remote sessions for Cohort B and Cohort C based upon mutual availability, Monday-Friday from 8AM-6PM.
    • Teachers and TAs will call families 2x/week to address questions/concerns with regard to instruction; documentation of discuss will be recorded on student DOE Logs
    • Students who are unable to participate in remote instruction at the scheduled time will be offered an individualized remote session (1x/week) at a time that is mutually convenient for both parties, to be conducted either by the Classroom teacher or TA
  4. Will all students have opportunities for regular and substantive contact with qualified instructional personnel regardless of the delivery method (remote, blended, in-person)?
    • All TPS students will have opportunities for regular and substantive contact with qualifies instructional staff (Classroom Teacher and/or TA) regardless of the method of delivery
  5. Describe how you will engage families in the teaching and learning process:
    • Parents/caregivers will be asked to be active and engaged participants during remote instruction so that parents will become a model for their child
    • Support will be provided to families who require additional technical support to access the remote learning platform or to post activity responses on ClassDojo
    • Parents/caregivers will be mailed worksheets that are tailored specifically to their child’s learning needs that they can complete at home with their child to supplement their remote and/or in-person instruction
  6. Describe your communication plan so that students/families, regardless of their home language(s), have multiple means to contact teachers and, as applicable, related service providers:
    • All Administrative staff will utilize a cell phone to call/text families; families will be provided with phone and email contact information for each Administrator (Program Director, Educational Director, Assistant Director, Administrative Assistant)
    • Teachers will provide families with their cell phone number as well as their school email addresses
    • Related Service Providers will provide families with their school email address
    • There are multiple TPS staff members who speak Spanish. In the event that the home language is not English or Spanish, we will utilize the DOE phone translation service to communicate with families
  7. Describe your plan for student support and family involvement to address the specialized needs of students whose educational experiences in 2019-2020 were disrupted due to school closures and who now require additional social, emotional or academic support to be successful:
    • The Classroom teacher, Education Director, and Social Worker or Mental Health Counselor will meet with parents/caregivers virtually at the start of the school year to discuss each child’s academic and social-emotional needs and to develop a support plan
    • Teachers will utilize the DAYC-2 (or similar assessment tool) to determine individual student needs and target extra help to ensure both academic and social-emotional needs are addressed
  8. Describe how your school plans to help students to re-adjust to in-person instruction and the structure of school:
    • Teachers and Related Service Providers will allow ample time for students to re-adjust to the school setting
    • Before students are assessed, teachers will spend time on socialization and creating a climate of safety, comfort, and routine
  9. Outline some of the things you will do to create a positive school climate of safety, comfort and routine in all program models:
    • Before students are assessed, teachers will spend time on socialization and creating a climate of safety, comfort, and routine
    • Training and support will be offered to teachers and parents/caregivers to ensure comfort and ease with instructional programs and any technological platforms and devices used to deliver instruction
  10. Describe how you will help staff members share information about individual needs and each student’s responses to blended, in-person and/or remote learning:
    • Staff will be provided with opportunities to meet prior to the start of school to discuss individual student needs and share best practices with in- person, remote, or hybrid models of learning.
  11. Describe how you will use diagnostic assessment to determine each student’s academic, social and emotional needs:
    • Before students are assessed, teachers will spend time on socialization and creating a climate of safety, comfort, and routine
    • Teachers will use the DAYC-2 (or similar assessment tool) to determine individual student needs and target extra help to ensure both academic and social-emotions needs are addressed
  12. Programs for preschool students (4410s) should briefly describe how they will:
    • Manage meals without family-style service and with social distancing
      1. Meals from Red Rabbit will be packaged individually
      2. Two children will be seated per table to engage in social distancing
    • Manage toileting and hand washing when classrooms do not have adjoining sinks and toilets
      1. Portable, child-size sinks will be in each classroom
      2. A staggered toileting schedule will be created for each classroom so that only one class is visiting the restroom at a time
        1. Teachers will support students in observing social distancing while they wait for their turn
    • Implement nap time, if applicable
      1. Not applicable
    • Modify center time to enhance social distancing
      1. Centers will be limited to 2 students at a time
        1. Teachers will support students in maintaining social distancing at each center
        2. Materials will be limited to those that can be sanitized, before students transition to the next center (or individualized materials) or students will remain at their center for the entire period to reduce cross contamination
      2. Sensory centers (ex: water table, beans) will be limited to one student at a time
        1. Materials that cannot be sanitized will be replaced after each use
        2. Sensory tables will be spaced 6 feet apart at minimum
    • Avoid children having to share materials
      1. Each student will be provided with a labeled pencil case of writing instruments and scissors
        1. Each writing/cutting instrument will be labeled with the student’s name to reduce cross-contamination and loss
    • Follow sanitation guidelines during the day, i.e., after center time
      1. Soiled toys will be placed in a bin labeled “soiled toys” to be sanitized after school
      2. High touch surfaces (tables, chairs) to be sanitized after each seated activity
  13. For 4410 Programs Only: Describe how you will balance screen time and authentic learning experiences during remote learning periods:
    • Students will engage in remote instruction 3x/week. Teachers will provide students/families with related instructional activities 2x/week; responses are to be posted on ClassDojo.
  14. Describe how your program will control/limit volunteers and visitors (including parents/guardians) and, if they are permitted, how they will be informed of requirements for health and safety
    • Visitors will not be permitted to enter the school
    • Parents/guardians will be met at the door by a staff member wearing PPE
  15. Describe how you will maintain students in a “cohort”/”pod” for in-person and blended learning:
    • Cohort A – in person instruction Monday-Friday (at 50% capacity)
    • Cohort B – blended instruction/remote instruction (alternating weeks; one week in school, one week at home)
    • Cohort C – all remote instruction
    • Responsible parties will ensure cohorts are fixed (containing the same students) to the extent possible for the duration of the COVID-19 health crisis
    • Intermingling will not be permitted between cohorts
  16. Describe some of the best practices which can inform/facilitate high-quality remote instruction?
    • Preparing for remote learning by planning individualized projects that connect and reinforce in-person classroom learning (where applicable)
    • Advance consideration of suggested materials for students to have on hand at home, or creating assignments with items commonly found at home
    • ClassDojo to be used by teachers to give students assignments, feedback, and to track student progress
    • Development of digital and non-digital options for sharing student’s creative works within the classroom community and the broader school community
  17. Describe how are students are assigned to a learning model and if, how and when they might be moved from one model to another:
    • Parents/caregivers were polled in July 2020 to determine their preference for one of the three instructional models
    • Poll results, in combination with consideration of each student’s academic and social/emotional needs, will be utilized to make final cohort determinations
    • Teacher and parents/caregivers will meet to discuss possible benefits and challenges associated with moving from one model to another
  18. Describe how you will make all models as inclusive and culturally responsive as possible:
    • All models will offer multiple entry points to support and encourage all learners
    • All models will take into consideration student family culture and will incorporate these elements to the extent possible
  19. Describe your models for:
    1. In-person education, including details such as number of students/staff per classroom; length of session; and any other important information:
      1. Length of session
        • Monday – Friday, 8:30AM-1PM (classroom materials to be cleaned and sanitized daily after school).
      2. Staff/Student Ratio
        • Two staff members (Classroom teacher and TA)
        • Max of 6 students for Classroom 1 and Classroom 2; max of 3 students for Classroom 3
    2. Remote learning:
      1. Sessions
        • 3x/week for 30 minutes per session
        • Supporting learning activities to be assigned 2x/week on ClassDojo
    3. Blended/hybrid learning, including days and duration of in-person services, staffing for in-person portions and typical patterns and practices for remote instruction:
      1. Staffing for in-person portion
        • Two staff members (Classroom teacher & TA)
      2. Days/Duration of remote services
        • 3x/week for 30 min per session
        • Supporting learning activities to be assigned 2x/week on ClassDojo
      3. Days/Duration of in-person services
        • Monday-Friday, 8:30AM-1PM (alternating weeks)



NOTE: CTE does not specifically apply to 4410 programs except for the basic Learning Standards which can be achieved in remote, blended or in-person preschool instructional models.

Any 853 programs engaged in a robust CTE programs, especially those with a “work- based” learning component should describe below some of the modifications which will be required to help students to make continued progress, especially in periods of remote or blended learning.



NOTE: While athletics and extra-curricular activities are generally not part of any 4410 program and may have only limited manifestation in an 853 program. However, should such events or activities be contemplated and permitted by governmental authorities, our agency will comply completely with the guidance and requirements set forth in the DOH Interim Guidance for Sports and Recreation During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. Should facilities under our control be used at any time by external community organizations, those groups will be required to follow State and local directives and health requirements regarding social distancing, hygiene and sanitation.



  1. Describe how students will receive FAPE, regardless of the service delivery model they are participating in:
    • Regardless of the model selected (in-person instruction, hybrid/blended learning, or all remote instruction), each child will receive a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) by ensuring the following:
      • Students will receive all mandated related services (either in-person or remotely)
      • Curriculum will be adapted to the learning needs of each student to ensure progress on IEP goals
      • TPS will provide families with the necessary learning materials in order to ensure that students are able to complete learning activities, especially in the home setting
        • Learning materials for student remote related service sessions as requested by the related service providers
        • Supplementary learning materials for students in Cohort C
        • Learning materials will be mailed to families, or will be available for pick up
  2. Describe how parents will be meaningfully engaged in their preferred language or mode of communication regarding the provision of mandated services to their child:
    • Parents/guardians will be polled (via email and phone) to determine their preferred mode of communication and their preferred language
    • Parents/guardians will receive a written summary of the services their child receives at TPS (educational services, mental health services, related services)
    • Documentation will be delivered via the parent/guardian’s preferred mode of communication and in their preferred language
  3. Outline how your program plans to work collaboratively and communicate with the CPSE/CSE:
    • The Educational Director will communicate with the CPSE regarding their preparation of contingency plans to address students’ remote learning needs in the event of a future intermittent or extended school closure
    • The Educational Director will communicate with the CPSE to ensure that there is an understanding of the provision of services consistent with the recommendations on IEPs
  4. Will your reopening plan ensure access to the necessary accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services and technology (including assistive technology) to meet the unique disability related needs of students?
    • TPS students will receive the necessary accommodations, modifications, supplementary aids and services, and technology to meet individual student needs.
  5. Describe how your school will document the programs and services offered and provided to students with disabilities to their parents/guardians in their preferred language/mode of communication.
    • Parents/guardians will receive a written summary of the services their child receives at TPS (educational services, mental health services, related services)
    • Documentation will be delivered via the parent/guardian’s preferred mode of communication and in their preferred language
  6. Describe how you could work with the CPSE/CSE to prepare contingency plans to address a student’s remote learning needs in the event of future intermittent or extended school closures:
    • The Educational Director will communicate with CPSE Chairpersons and District Administrators to determine their preparation for all contingencies and their plans to address students’ remote learning needs in the event of potential future intermittent or extended school closures
  7. Describe how your reopening plan prioritizes in-person services to the greatest extent possible for high-needs students:
    • Students with the highest level of needs will be prioritized to receive in- person services
    • High level needs students to be determined by the student’s classroom teacher, Educational Director, and Mental Health Counselor and/or School Social Worker
  8. Will your program continue to monitor the progress of students, regardless of the service delivery model, and use that information to evaluate the effectiveness of the student’s special education services and inform parents of their child’s progress on a regular basis?
    • TPS will continue to monitor student progress regardless of the service delivery model
    • Teachers will collect data on student progress; this data will be utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of the student’s special education services
    • Progress will be shared with parents/guardians quarterly via written reports from student’s classroom teacher and related service providers
  9. Describe any changes or additions to student data collection you anticipate because of the possibility of changing student needs and experiences over various instructional models and platforms:
    • Teachers and RSPs must continue to collect data, whether in-person or remotely
    • Data will be utilized to monitor each student’s progress toward the annual goals and to evaluate the effectiveness of the student’s special education services
    • Teachers will administer the DAYC-2 to assess student academic and social-emotional level during the first quarter (after students have had opportunity to adjust to the school environment)
    • Staff will collect data in correlation to health and safety on a weekly basis
  10. Describe your plan’s important considerations and approach to related service provision over the various models you are planning (in-person, remote, hybrid/blended):
    • Remote Instruction
      • Related service providers and parents/guardians will determine a schedule that is mutually agreed upon (hours of service provision are Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 6 PM).
      • Related service providers will enter all remote service appointments on the shared Outlook calendar to ensure no overlaps in scheduling
      • Related service provider will inform Administration if families need supplies to be sent to their home to support remote instruction, and will provide a list of requested supplies
    • Hybrid/Blended Instruction
      • Related service providers will have designated days of the week to come to TPS to provide in-person instruction
      • Classroom push-in services will not be permitted
      • Related service providers will allot 5-10 minutes between each student for cleaning/sanitization of non-porous materials (porous materials will not be permitted) and high touch surfaces
      • Related Service providers will be provided with masks with clear windows to allow greater visibility of verbal speech/direction
      • Related service providers may only provide services for one student at a time
      • Related service providers and parents/guardians will determine a remote learning schedule that is mutually agreed upon (hours of service provision are Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 6 PM
    • In-person Instruction
      • Related service providers will have designated days of the week to come to TPS to provide in-person instruction
      • Classroom push-in services will not be permitted
      • Related service providers will allot 5-10 minutes between each student for cleaning/sanitization of non-porous materials (porous materials will not be permitted) and high touch surfaces
      • Related Service providers will be provided with masks with clear windows to allow greater visibility of verbal speech/direction
      • Related service providers may only provide services for one student at a time
  11. Describe how you will assign related service caseloads and provide related services to protect the integrity of student “cohorts”/”pods”:
    • RSP Remote instruction schedules
      • To be determined by related service providers based upon their availability
        • Schedules to be approved by the Educational Director
    • To eliminate the possibility of scheduling overlaps, Related Service Providers (RSPs) will post their schedules on the shared Outlook calendar and will update their schedules as needed
    • RSPs will also provide the Educational Director with a hard copy of their schedules
    • RSP in-person instruction schedules
      • To be determined by related service providers
        • RSPs must contact families to determine a schedule that is mutually convenient for both parties
        • Remote instruction service hours are Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 6 PM
        • Schedules to be approved by the Educational Director
      • To eliminate the possibility of scheduling overlaps, RSPs will post their schedules on the shared Outlook calendar and will update their schedules as needed
      • RSPs will also provide the Educational Director with a hard copy of their schedules



  1. Will all individuals hold a valid certification/license appropriate to their service assignment?
    • All staff hold a valid certification/license that is appropriate to their service assignment.
  2. Will certifications and licenses be verified by the school using the internet-based tools made available by NYSED?
    • All certifications and licenses will be verified by the school using NYSED internet-based tools.
  3. Describe any staffing changes which you might need to consider to meet instructional and operational demands during the COVID emergency period
    • Classroom teacher and one TA will provide in-person instruction
    • One TA will be designated to create remote instruction lesson plans (in collaboration with the Classroom teacher) to support/reflect in-person learning, and to lead remote instruction for Cohort B and Cohort C
  4. Will the school be making “incidental” teaching assignments during the 2020/2021 school year? (After extensive and well-documented unsuccessful recruitment, a teacher can be given an “incidental” assignment for no more than ten (10) classroom hours per week to allow an otherwise unqualified teacher teach a subject which is not covered by their certificate.)
    • TPS will not make incidental teaching assignments during the 2020-21 school year.
  5. Substitute teachers will have an important role to play upon reopening, especially if there are extensive or protracted staff absences or in certain staff intensive instructional models that blend remote and in-person learning.
    • Our school will undertake robust recruitment efforts to identify and process qualified substitutes. In the 2020/2021 school year, as permitted by NYSED, if qualified substitute teachers cannot be engaged, individuals with a high school diploma or equivalent, even those not working toward certification can first be engaged for up to ninety (90) days and then beyond the first ninety (90) day period through the end of June, 2021, as long as the superintendent documents and attests that recruitment efforts did not identify a fully qualified substitute teacher. The superintendent must attest to the shortage of qualified recruits initially and then at the end of the first ninety (90) day period. Recruitment efforts will be extensively documented.
  6. Staff members who are requesting an accommodation from reporting for in- person work due to concerns about their own health must notify the Human Resources department and then comply with submitting requested information before the agency can determine if a reasonable accommodation can be made based on applicable law, regulation and the agency’s needs and resources.



NOTE:  This required section of the reopening plan is not applicable since 4410 and 853 programs are not subject to the specific laws and regulations regarding professional evaluation cited in the NYSED guidance.



  1. Since NYSED permits and encourages it, will your school welcome student teachers during the 2020-2021 school year to participate in-person and/or remote instruction?
    • TPS welcomes student teachers during the 2020-21 school year to participate in remote instruction.