The Rainbow Clubhouse
The Rainbow Clubhouse is a work-ordered rehabilitation program for adults with a mental health diagnosis, especially those with serious and persistent mental illness. It is a supportive environment where members are encouraged and assisted to reach their individual & self-determined goals. They work to maximize their abilities to reach their potential. Rainbow members are provided an opportunity to find meaningful employment, healthy relationships & a supportive community.
Rainbow Clubhouse Services include…
- Work Ordered Day (culinary, maintenance, reach-out, and media units)
- Vocational Support
- Employment Placement & Support
- Educational Support
- Wellness and Recovery
- Independent Living Skills
- Smoking cessation
- Social Integration
- Peer Support
- Rehabilitation Support
- SSI/SSD Benefits Training & Management
- Housing Assistance
- Member-lead Podcast
- Bi-Weekly Newsletter
The Rainbow Clubhouse allows members to be active participants in their recovery as they work alongside staff to develop skills they can use to secure employment and move towards self-sufficiency.
The work-ordered day contributes to…
- Providing a safe and supportive environment
- Relieving loneliness & isolation
- Forging new relationships & enhances social skills
- Increasing self-confidence & self-efficacy
Eligibility Requirements
- Work is combined with services, including…
- Supported education
- Evidence-based health and wellness offerings
- Crisis prevention planning
- Co-occurring disorder groups
- Smoking cessation classes
Rainbow Clubhouse is open Monday – Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
To learn more, email us – [email protected], or call 631-629-8472.