Support Us
Shop, Volunteer & Support the Bowen Center
You can make a positive impact on the lives of the individuals and families who require the resources of the Bowen Center in many ways including shopping online and volunteering.
We accept tax deductible donations online or via check. To donate online, please click the DONATE button above.
To donate by check, please make the check payable to the Emma L. Bowen Community Service Center and mail it to:
Emma L. Bowen Community Service Center
1727 Amsterdam Avenue
New York, NY 10031
Attn: Ms. Ida Morris
Ways to Give
Bowen Shop
The Bowen Web Store is an online store stocked with specialty items including T-Shirts, Hoodies, Coffee Mugs, Masks and more! 100% of every purchase goes towards improving and adding new Bowen Center programs.
Click the button below to enter the Bowen Web Store!
Amazon Smile
AmazonSmile is a simple way for you to support the Bowen Center every time you shop on, at no extra cost to you!
AmazonSmile has the same wide selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as, including Amazon Prime member benefits.
By selecting the Emma L. Bowen Community Service Center as your charity of choice, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of all eligible purchases to the Bowen Center. Click below to get started!

The Emma L. Bowen Community Services Center welcomes the generous volunteering of time, talents and energy to help those in our community. Volunteer opportunities include assisting at our Food Pantry, providing support for our administrative team, sponsoring and staffing events to benefit the Center and its clients, acting as a mentor or speaking at our work-readiness programs, volunteering expertise such as IT consultation, and joining our Stakeholders Action Team. Click here to Volunteer.
Corporate & Foundation Support

Many of our most innovative programs have been started with the help of visionary support by partners in the corporate and foundation community. These grants also allow us to enhance our core services, evaluate the effectiveness of our work and expand our outreach. If you would like to know more about how your company or foundation can become a partner, contact Ida Morris in the Executive Office at [email protected] or 212-694-9200, ext. 426.
Matching Gifts
You can double or even triple the impact of your donation through a Matching Gift Program. If your company offers this option, management will be able to provide a matching funds form that you can complete and mail, along with your donation, to: Emma L. Bowen Community Services Center at 1727 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10031 to the attention of our executive director William Witherspoon. If you have any questions, please contact Ida Morris in the Executive Office at [email protected] or 212-694-9200, ext. 426.
Workplace Giving
Many employers offer a workplace giving program that allow employees to make regular contributions to the charity of their choice through automatic pre-tax payroll deductions. Please contact your Human Resources Department to find out if they participate in such a program. If you or your company would like to know more about providing this option, please contact Ida Morris in the Executive Office at [email protected] or 212-694-9200, ext. 426.
Gifts of Stock & Bequests
If you desire to donate appreciated securities or wish to contribute through a will or living trust as part of your thoughtful estate planning process, contact Ida Morris in the Executive Office at [email protected] or 212-694-9200, ext. 426. to discuss how best to include the Emma L. Bowen Community Services Center and the community we serve in your plans.