It’s Time to End Systematic Injustices and Inequities

Dear Friends,
The Emma L. Bowen Community Service Center stands in unity and solidarity with the millions of people across the country who have peacefully taken to the streets over the past several months to demand an end to racial injustice and inequities.
We extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks and to all the Black families across the country who have had loved ones senselessly taken away from them.
Our hearts are especially with the youngest members of these families, including Mr. Floyd’s six-year-old daughter Gianna. Understanding why her Daddy is never coming home is a burden her family will have to bear. While it’s heartwarming to hear her say “Daddy changed the world,” it’s unconscionable that his death is what sparked the change.
For too long, people of color have been blighted by systematic racism, a lack of economic opportunities, affordable housing, health disparities, quality education and disinvestments within their communities, all which have led to an abundance of inequities.
Case in point, for the past five months, our nation has grappled with the deadly Covid-19 virus that has claimed more than 141,000 lives. An overwhelmingly high percentage of these deaths were in the Black and Latino communities. Both crises have shined a light on the disproportions that have long ravaged communities of color and have forced the people to demand actionable change, now.
For those who don’t believe change is possible—when our founders, the late Mrs. Emma L. Bowen and Mr. William Hatcher, recognized economic disparities and how the absence to access quality physical and behavioral health impacted the Harlem community, they acted. That action served as the catalyst for the Bowen Center, which today helps over 30,000 clients, ages 3 and up, without regard to race, color, religion, national origin or citizenship status, sex, gender identity or expression and sexual orientation.
As an organization, the Bowen Center will continue to use its voice to put an end to the systematic injustices and inequities that target communities of color. And will continue working within all the diverse communities across New York City to help those in need.
Respectfully submitted on behalf of the Board of Directors, Administration, staff, and the entire Bowen Center team.
Patricia C. Jordan
Chairperson Board of Directors
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